I grew up in Texas, graduating from Duncanville High School in 1991. I earned a Bachelors of Science Degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point, Class of 1995.  While at the Academy, I majored in General Management with a concentration in Systems Engineering.  I graduated the top cadet within my major and finished 22nd in a class of over 1,000.  In 2001, I earned a Certificate in Financial Planning from Florida State University, obtaining a 4.0 GPA.  Lastly, on the education front, I received a Masters Degree in May 2005 from American Christian College and Seminary. 

After graduating from West Point, I served nearly three years in active duty at Fort Hood, Texas .  Serving as a finance officer, I served as a disbursing/cash control officer (sort of like running a bank), a personnel officer, and a company commander.  After completing my active duty, I continued in the National Guard for five years.  What did I take away from my Army years?  I learned that leadership is not a title or rank—it is an honor that is earned by caring for and serving others.  I had the great privilege to learn about America by serving with men and women from various racial, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds. 

Upon completion of my active duty time, I took eighteen months to pursue a dream of mine.  I played professional golf on the Lone Star Tour (now known as the All Pro Tour).  I practiced and I played.  I practiced and I played.  And I practiced and I played some more.  I never made much money, but I did learn numerous life lessons.  First, those guys are good!  Seriously, there are people who can play some serious golf!  Second, I learned the difference between a career and a job.  A career can and should be enjoyable.  To me, financial planning and investment management are fun.  I spend hours digging through financial data, and enjoy it.  Some read People Magazine, I read the Economist. In my opinion, a job is that “awful three letter word” that you hate going to.  While golf did not end up providing for my financial needs, I learned that my career does not have to be a “job”.  Third, I learned how to fail.  I did not enjoy failing.  I did not enjoy putting the clubs in the closet; however, looking back, failing was very good for me.  I never really failed growing up.  My parents always set me up for success, and I never strayed too far from the straight path.  That led to my worst personality trait—being a sore loser.  To this day and to the day I die, I will always compete to win.  To me, that is honorable.  However, losing is a part of playing.  I needed to fail, to fall on my face in order to learn this.  I am still hard on myself, but I am much better and continually improving. 

Professionally, I am a Certified Financial Planner® and a Registered Investment Advisor in the state of Texas.

Most important to my life is my family.  I love my wife, Kimberly.  She is a warm, kindhearted partner.  We have been blessed by the birth of two sons, Caleb and Daniel.  We are also blessed with wonderful parents and grandparents who all live within a three-hour radius.

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About Troy Ferguson
Caleb wins another Baseball Championship!